Matt Kay
3 Skulls Pub
Writer, Designer, Streamer, Podcaster
for tabletop roleplaying games
3 Skulls Tavern
A YouTube channel devoted to tabletop roleplaying games and focused on the games (and engine) from Free League Publishing.Featuring solo content, actual play campaigns, interviews, dev diaries, discussions, and more.

Year Zero Mini
A rules-light framework for playing RPGs in any setting using the Year Zero Engine.Uses the award-winning Tales From the Loop as its core.There are a number of upcoming "spins" in the works: zombie apocalypse, post-apocalyptic scrap-mechs, space opera, neo-cyberpunk, gritty steampunk, and goblins.Buy it now at DriveThruRPG!
An upcoming game about big dreams, small minds, and desperate actions focused in Lupino, a decadent fantasy city inspired by Renaissance Napoli, Elizabethan London, Pratchett's Ankh-Morpork, and Miéville's New Crobuzon.Target Beta Release: 2025Art by Harry Boddice
An upcoming folk horror campaign setting in a mythical 15th Century H.R.E. (modern day Germany) where PCs are peasants in an isolated village. Check out the village creator for a sneak peek at what is to come!Solo-friendly and system-neutral.Target Beta Release: TBCArt by Harry Boddice
A setting for Forbidden Lands set in an alternate early Middle Ages Jorvik (Yorkshire), where the Vikings completely conquered Britain with the help of creatures out of Norse mythology.Play takes place shortly after the Black Death plague sweeps through Nordveldi (the Norse-ruled British Isles) and so has a similar post-apocalyptic feel to FBL.Target Beta Release: TBCArt by Christopher Spence

Year Zero Nano
An ** even lighter** hack of Year Zero Mini.FKR-inspired ("play worlds, not rules") with characters made up of a handful of descriptors.Get it now at Itch.io!
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© 2023 Matthew Ryan Kay. All rights reserved.